
Charity Day is an event of acts of compassion that takes place every year with the aim of community rehabilitation and serves as part of teaching students to practice compassion.
The event is being organized by Fountain Gate Academy schools and has been held under the auspices of the Fountain Gate Foundation, a non-governmental organization that aims to assist children with special needs in the field of Education, Health, Skills and Entrepreneurship in partnership with Fountain Gate Academy.
Institutional status; This is not a political or profit-making organization, but a community-based organization regardless of religious, political, racial, or ethnic ideology.
OBJECTIVES  The organization has the following objectives:

  • Assisting children with special needs in the fields of education, health, skills and economics.
  • Strengthening education and health services for children with special needs.
  • Provide entrepreneurship education to children with special needs.
  • Provide health insurance for children with special needs